Wednesday, May 13, 2009

South American oddballs

We bring in quite a selection of oddballs all over the world. We have fish from South America, Africa (all lakes and rivers), to Southeast Asia.

We will show some of the oddballs from South American here. This is our actual fish. None of the photos are taken from anyone else but our collection.


Bottlenose catfish - very young at only 3". I have a few in that were 8" or so. Very active catfish and will eat just about anything small. It is one of those catfish that doesn't have any whiskers. As adult, another name for it is hammarhead catfish cause the shape of the head.

Hydrolicus tatuaia sp. red tail - what can I say... they have big teeth. They have a different way of hunting as well. All they have to do is open they mouths wide and rush into their prey. They sharp teeth will snag the smaller fish and very little chance for the small prey to escape.

Fresh water Barracuda sp. red tail - sharp teeth, fast, and quite amazing. They can school together with their kinds. But anything small; say a school of neon, every one of these barracuda will rush in the cloud of small fish and start darting everywhere to catch them till they are gone.

Tiger knife fish - most amazing pattern knife fish in my opinion. I have a chance to bring in some good size one; up to 12"... Very active fish but depends on tankmates, can be shy at time.

Zebra knife fish - quite opposite of what tiger knife fish is as in appearance. The zebra knife fish is black base body color with golden stripes. I have them in a corner tank so photo through curve glass is impossible for me to get a clear photo.

Dragon knife fish - still in its juv. form. They are only about 6" long so the nose hasn't extended yet. Can't get a good photo so I thought I would show them off with a short video.

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